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will do和will be doing的根本差别

时间:2021-03-08 09:56:37  来源:华尔街英语  作者:



I will be waiting for you.


I will be leaving here.



但为什么不说will do而说will be doing?

will do和will be doing的根本差别


带着这样的疑问,我们来听听一首由Shawn Mendes




I'll be needing stitches








I thought that I'd been hurt before

But no one's ever left me quite this sore

Your words cut deeper than a knife

Now I need someone to breathe me back to life


Got a feeling that I'm going under

But I know that I'll make it out alive

If I quit calling you my lover

Move on


You watch me bleed until I can't breathe

Shaking, falling onto my knees

And now that I'm without your kisses

I'll be needing stitches

Tripping over myself

Aching, begging you to come help

And now that I'm without your kisses

I'll be needing stitches


Just like a moth drawn to a flame

Oh, you lured me in, I couldn't sense the pain

Your bitter heart cold to the touch

Now I'm gonna reap what I sow

I'm left seeing red on my own


Got a feeling that I'm going under

But I know that I'll make it out alive

If I quit calling you my lover

Move on


You watch me bleed until I can't breathe

Shaking, falling onto my knees

And now that I'm without your kisses

I'll be needing stitches

Tripping over myself,

Aching, begging you to come help

And now that I'm without your kisses

I'll be needing stitches



Needle and the thread,

Gotta get you out of my head

Needle and the thread,

Gonna wind up dead


Needle and the thread,

Gotta get you out of my head, get you out of my head


You watch me bleed until I can't breathe

Shaking, falling onto my knees (falling on my knees)

And now that I'm without your kisses

I'll be needing stitches (and I'll be needing stitches)

Tripping over myself,

Aching, begging you to come help (begging, "Baby, please.")

And now that I'm without your kisses

I'll be needing stitches


(And now that)

I'm without your kisses

I'll be needing stitches

(And now that)

I'm without your kisses

I'll be needing stitches


听完歌曲后,被“I'll be needing stitches”洗脑的在评论区打1,没有被洗脑的在评论区打2


“I'll be needing stitches… needing stitches… stitches”

will do和will be doing的根本差别


洗脑之余,别忘记will be doing的句式了。现在我们来看看这究竟是什么意思吧。


在英语里,will be doing用来表示在未来注定或被决定发生的事情。无论从语气还是可能性上来说都比will do要强烈得多。





I’ll need stitches.




I’ll be needing stitches.




I will wait for you.




I will be waiting for you.




I will leave here.




I will be leaving here.




will do和will be doing的根本差别


现在你应该已经很好地理解了吧?will be doing是will do的强化版。这里再额外告诉你一个will do的弱化版,当你不确定某件事未来会发生时,可以说would do.

I would need stitches.


I would wait for you.


I would leave here.


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