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who, whose和 who's, 老师一次讲清楚

时间:2022-04-13 10:48:27  来源:  作者:英语东

Now settle down children. We're going to do some grammar.


Who threw this sock? Jay did.


Vicki did. Whose sock is this?


It belongs to him, miss. Hi everyone.


I'm Vicki and I'm British. And I'm Jay and I'm American.


Today we're looking at who, whose and who's. It's pretty easy.

今天我们来讲一下 who,whose 和 who's。内容很简单。

You're going to get this very quickly. You just saw an example of who.

你会很快就能听懂。你们刚刚看到关于 who 的一个示例。

Who threw this sock? Jay did.


Vicki did. 'Who' is a pronoun that we use to ask questions.

薇姬扔的。Who 是我们用来提问的代词。

It means 'what person'. You saw an example of 'whose' too.

它的意思是“什么人”。你还看到了关于 whose 的示例。

Whose sock is this? It belongs to him, miss.


We use 'whose' to ask who something belongs to. It could be a physical thing or something abstract.

我们用 whose 来问某物属于谁。它可以是物理对象,也可以是抽象对象。

This design is terrible. Whose idea was it?


Mine. Don't you like it?


Oh. Whose turn is it to put the rubbish out?


Yours. 'Whose' is the possessive form of 'who' and we use it to ask who things belong to.

轮到你了。Whose 是 who 的所有格形式,用来问某物属于谁。

But we don't just use these words in questions. We use them in relative clauses too.


What are relative clauses? Don't worry.


We'll show you. Are you busy?


Uh huh. I just I met a guy who's looking for a job.


Uh huh. Well, we need somebody who will answer the phones and make our coffee.


You mean an assistant? Yes. We need somebody whose job it is to take care of us.


I already have an assistant whose name is Jay and he doesn't do any of those things. I'll get you some coffee.


We use relative clauses to give more information about something we've just mentioned. The relative clauses here all begin with 'who' or 'whose'.

我们使用关系从句来提供关于我们刚刚提到的事情的更多信息。这里的关系从句都以 who 或 whose 开头。

Just like before, we use 'who' to talk about a person, and 'whose' to talk about possession. And that's how we use 'who' and 'whose'.

就像之前一样,我们用 who 来谈论一个人,用 whose 来谈论占有。我们就是这样使用 who 和 whose 的。

It's very straightforward. Yes.


But there's a mistake my students sometimes make. They get 'whose' muddled up with the contraction for 'who is' and 'who has'.

但我的学生有时会犯一个错误。他们把 whose 和 who is 与 who has 的缩写弄混了。

Oh yes. Native speakers sometimes do that too.


Whose. Who's.


They sound the same. Yes, so it doesn't matter if you muddle them up if you're speaking, but it is a problem if you're writing.


It's confusing because the apostrophe 's' can indicate a possessive form. Like this is Jay's coffee.

之所以很容易混淆,是因为撇号 s 可以表示所有格形式。比如说,这是杰的咖啡。

No, this is Vicki's coffee. That's yours.


But it can be confusing. To make most nouns possessive we add apostrophe 's'.

但这可能会令人感到糊涂。为了使大多数名词成为所有格形式,我们会加撇号 s。

But we don't do that with 'who'. The possessive form of who is whose.

但我们不会给 who 这么加。who 的所有格形式是 whose。

If we write who's with an apostrophe, we're writing the contraction of 'who is' or 'who has. The apostrophe replaces the missing letters.

如果我们用撇号来写 who's,我们写的是 who is 或 who has 的缩写。撇号代替了缺失的字母。

So have you got it? Let's have a quiz and you can check and see.


Good idea. Do you know whose car this is?


Do you know whose car this is? Who's eaten all the cookies?


Who's (who has) eaten all the cookies? I found a dog in the road and I don't know whose it is.


I found a dog in the road and I don't know whose it is. Who's calling please?


Who's (who is) calling please? Whose job is it to clean your kitchen floor?


Whose job is it to clean your kitchen floor? Whose idea was it to turn the heating down?


Whose idea was it to turn the heating down? Who's responsible for technical support?


Who's (who is) responsible for technical support? Anyone who's been to Rio will tell you it's beautiful.

谁负责技术支持?凡是去过里约热内卢的人都会告诉你那里很美。 =xqy=

Anyone who's (who has) been to Rio will tell you it's beautiful. Never go to a doctor whose office plants are dying.


Never go to a doctor whose office plants are dying. Knock, knock.


Who's there? Spell.


Spell who. W-H-O.


Knock, knock. Who's (who is) there?


Spell. Spell who.

拼写。拼写谁。 -欧 路词典-

W-H-O. Did you get them all right?


You can go back and look again if you didn't. Now there's another form of who that we've been asked about.

如果没有,你可以回头再看一遍。还有另一种形式的 who,我们被问到过。

Ah yes — whom. That's a little trickier so we're going to look at it in another video.

啊,是的—— whom。这个有点复杂,所以我们将在另一期视频中看它的讲解。

So make sure you're subscribed to our channel so you can see it. If you've enjoyed this video please share it with a friend.

那么请确保你已经订阅了我们的频道,这样你才能看到有关 whom 的讲解。如果你喜欢本期视频,请与朋友分享。

And see you all next week everyone. Bye-bye.




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